Do you also love birds and want to know their names? If yes, then in this article we are telling you almost all the birds in English language.
We all like birds very much, there will be very few people in the world who will not love birds, because birds are very cute and beautiful, and attract everyone to themselves.
List of Birds:
- Crow
- Peacock
- Sparrow
- Ostrich
- Pigeon
- Hawk
- Bald eagle
- Parrot
- Flamingo
- Seagull
- Swallow
- Blackbird
- Penguin
- Robin
- Barn Owl
- Stork

- Woodpecker
- Wood Duck
- Rooster
- Vulture
- Goose
- Eagle
- Hen
- Falcon
- Turkey
- Hummingbird
- Swan
- Heron
- Dove
- Nightingale
- Quail
- Kite (bird)
- American Goldfinch
- Blue Jay
- Partridge
- Grey teal
- White-cheeked pintail
- Kingfisher
- Rosy-billed pochard
- Greater scaup
- Black guineafowl
- European Starling
- Dark-Eyed Junco
- Great Blue Heron
- Herring Gull
- Mallard
- Northern Cardinal
- Ring-Necked Pheasant
- Pine Warbler
- Red-Breasted Merganser
- Stellar’s Jay
- Black-Capped Chickadee
- European Blackbird